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The Orange County Center for Contemporary Art is a 501c (3) non-profit California corporation dedicated to the pursuit of professional excellence while championing freedom of expression in the arts. Founded in 1980, OCCCA aims to inspire artistic exploration, foster creative freedom, and maintain a vibrant space where our community can thrive.


OCCCA began through the vision of its five founding members, Richard Aaron, Robert Cunningham, Suvan Geer, Alhena Scott, and Carol Stella. The inaugural exhibition, in September of 1980, featured Slator Barron, George Herms, and Dustin Shuler.


OCCCA continues to function as a nurturing cultural venue for emerging and mid-career OCCCA Artist members from the Orange County area and regional Southern California. In addition to members work, OCCCA strives to exhibit a variety of artists’ work in all media and career levels from emerging through established late career artists.


OCCCA Artist members participate in all aspects of professional art practice, including design and installation of exhibitions, public relations/publicity, curatorial, accounting, grant and proposal writing, gallery sitting, and facilities maintenance.


In its 44-year History, with a artist membership roster limited to 37 through its current by-laws, OCCCA has exhibited over 1,000 guest artists and held numerous solo, group and juried exhibitions that showcased more than 6,000 participants. OCCCA Artist members have shown in more than 600 solo and 300 group exhibitions. In addition, the organization has a long tradition of mounting non-member exhibitions and performance projects, including inviting outside curators to organize exhibitions.


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