OCCCA's 45th Anniversary Exhibition
April 5 - May 17, 2025
Art Walk Reception: April 5, 6-10pm
The Orange County Center for Contemporary Art is proud to present their 45th Anniversary Exhibition, showcasing over 70 former and current OCCCA artists. During its four and a half decades, OCCCA has provided the public with a panoply of more than 500 creative, thought-provoking and high-quality contemporary art exhibitions cumulatively featuring more than 2,000 artists. Every exhibition is provided free of charge to the public. OCCCA annually presents two high profile, topically themed juried exhibitions strategicallycalendared among a note-worthy range of solo and group showings of OCCCA artists and guest-curated exhibitions. OCCCA exhibition opening receptions are free to the public, occurring from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the first Saturday of each month, concurrently participating in the Santa Ana Artists Village Art Walk.
OCCCA community outreach provides free art classes for local elementary schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District. By-appointment tours for educational institutions, organizations and the public are available and encouraged. Additionally presented are a varied spectrum of cultural events including panel discussions, performing and musical presentations.
In 1994 OCCCA was the pioneering first organization to commit to moving into the then only conceptualized, yet to be realized Santa Ana Artists Village. Having moved from its original gallery space in west Santa Ana, OCCCA has occupied its own 6,300 square foot gallery space since 2000 and is in the heart of the Santa Ana Artists Village.
Inspired by world-renown assemblage and performance artist George Herms, then an art professor at California State University Fullerton, as an outgrowth of his reply to a plaintive observation by five of his graduate art students saying are no venues in Orange County to exhibit their contemporary art, Herms said, “Start your own Gallery” which they did in 1980 as OCCCA. In late summer of 1980, Herms subsequently agreed to and became the
inaugural artist exhibited at OCCCA. His work is included in this exhibition.
Evalynn Alu, Jeff Alu, Stephen Anderson, A.S. Ashley, Ingrid Aubry, Nadia Baker, Jenny E. Balisle, William Bejarano, Daiva Bergman Harris, Barbara Berk, Kevin Bernstein, Dorothy Birsic, Becky Black, Richard Bohn, Arthur Bollon, Cheryl Bookout, Kurt Brizzolara, Leslie Brown, Gerardo Canul, Adam Casper Pratt, Victoria Chapman, Annie Clavel, Joelle Cooperrider, Sheila Daube, Bibi Davidson, Leslie Davis, Jim Ellsberry, Rebecca Erbstoesser, Joseph Fleming, Joe Foster, Kebe Fox, Diana Frawley, Dwora Fried, Jeffrey Frisch, Steven Fujimoto, Suvan Geer, Scott Gengelbach, Gina Genis, Wolfgang Gowin, Pamela Grau, Bill Hayner, Richard Helmick, George Herms, Barbara Higgins, Marcia Cox Holzman, Ikebana Izumi Kai Art Collective, Francoise Issaly, Beverly Jacobs, Marina Joyce, Duoqi Ju, Sherry Karver, David Koeth, Tom Lamb, Michael Lasater, David Lee, Echo Lew, Mark Leysen, Henry Littleworth, Patricia Liverman, Jacalyn Lopez Garcia, Bella Marinos, Karena Massengill, Susan Melly, Andrea Moni, Nancy Mooslin, Odile Nicolette, R. T. Pece, Ann Phong, Dalibor Polivka, Donnal Poppe, Gleah Powers, Annabella Pritchard, Robin Repp, Brennan Roach, Carol Saindon, Ellen Seefeldt, Helen Seigel, Paul Silkowski, Mario Sostre, Gregg Stone, Hirotaka Suzuki, Jane Szabo, Barbara Thompson, Maureen Vastardis, Debra Vodhanel, Kurt Weston, Darlyn Susan Yee, Jana Zimmer
360 Tour of Exhibition