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25th Anniversary

In 1980 a group

of California State University of Fullerton graduate students founded The Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA)

These artists were committed to creating an alternate art space in Orange County that would serve the community through a dedication to uncensored freedom of artistic expression. OCCCA¹s ability to survive and remain critically vital over the past 25 years is a testament to its ability to maintain a relevant voice in the contemporary conversations of Orange County. OCCCA has seen several "changes of the guard" throughout its existence. Yet despite the changing list of artists, directors, and officers, OCCCA¹s exhibition practices have always reflected its adherence to the mission that its founding members inspired:

"OCCCA's purpose is the pursuit of professional excellence and freedom of expression in the arts. It provides emerging and established artists a forum to explore and develop ideas in contemporary art."

In 1983 Suvan Geer, one of the original founders and the then current director of OCCCA, wrote: "Something really can be done to bring good, contemporary work before the public in Orange County, to educate and expose the community." Indeed OCCCA has lived up to this challenge. Those who have patronized OCCCA over the years have seen the diversity of conversations that the art exhibited within these walls have stimulated. Sometimes the conversations have been controversial, testing art¹s ability to broaden society¹s viewpoints beyond conventional norms. Other times the messages have been more sedate and mainstream, challenging consideration of the meaning of art within a contemporary context. But always, the art in these galleries have reflected the uncensored artistic expression of the contemporary artist. OCCCA continues to provide a supportive environment for unfettered artistic expression. When allowed to express oneself freely, without concerns for "commercial" acceptance, the artist is free to create art that is honest and personal and as a result, socially important.

In 2005 OCCCA is continuing to influence and be influenced by its local community. We exist today because our founders drafted a mission statement that was timeless, because our membership has continued to honor and adhere to this founding mission, and because the community of Orange County has supported our mission in ways too numerous to list.

Twenty-Five years of OCCCA history is represented by the works in this exhibition. It is rare that an artist cooperative becomes an established force within a community. However, OCCCA remains an important and vital voice in Orange County thanks to: the artists represented in this show, all former and current OCCCA members/artists, our public patrons who continue to provide critical support of our efforts, the City of Santa Ana for its commitment to the arts and to OCCCA¹s relevance, the County of Orange for its continuing recognition of OCCCA¹s social importance.

John Newlander, Executive Director, OCCCA 2005

SHOW I, JUNE 30 - AUGUST 14, 2005

Bob Aisawa, Ruth Ann Anderson, Stephen Anderson, Slater Barron, Tari Brand, Fatih Colmer, Jeffrey Crussell, Janice DeLoof, Dee Di Salvo, Jorge Dubin, Susan Elizade-Holler, Kebe Fox, Diana Frawley, Jeffrey Frisch, Chris Gallup, Suvan Geer, Mary Frances Giacolone, Nancy Harlan, Francoise Issaly, Ray Jacob, Libby Jennings, Kathleen Kaplan, Pamela Keilson, Claudia Kilby, Patrick Merrill, Frank Miller, Linda Miser, John Newlander, Lloyd Rodgers, Sergio Salgaldo-Dirzo, Connie Sasso, Mike Sasso, Paul Silkowski, Grace Songolo, Clayton Spada, Eric Strauss, Jean Towgood, Marsha Turner-Pluhar, Patricia Turnier, Richard White, Patricia Whiteside-Phillips, Darlyn Susan Yee

SHOW II, AUGUST 19TH - SEPT 23, 2005

Bardene Allen, Eileen Anderson, Ann Anson, Suki Berg, Barbara Berk, Richard Bohn, Angie Bray, Marcia Cox, Leslie D. Davis, Sandy Deeks, Roberta Eisenberg, Marilyn Ellis, Theresa Fernald, George Geisler, Carol Goldmark, Lilla Hangay, Roya Hassas, Chizuko Higuchi, Laura Hines-Jurgens, Jaqueline Rieder Hud, Maureen Ivey, Marsha Judd, Alya Kalinich, Jen Hsin Lin, Dana Lovell, Janet Mackaig, Bobbie Mandel, Karena Massengill, Denise Monsin, Nancy Mooslin, Pamela Mower-Conner, Charlotte Myers, Bart Palisi, Bob Pece, Ann Phong, Joseph Puleo, Carol Saindon, Russell Sasaki, Eileen Shabazian, Miriam Smith, Bob Tartter, Barbara Thompson, Pamela Grau Twena, Celeste (Shorty) Vasalli, Carole Williams-Gelker, R. Lee Willmore, Hamid Zavareei, Randall Zorn


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